You can use filters for North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code or Product Service Code (PSC) to narrow your contract opportunities search results.
- To locate the place of performance filter, select the “Contract Opportunities” link the home page, and click the “Advanced Search” link above the search bar on the Contract Opportunities landing page.
- You will be taken to a search page pre-filtered by the Contract Opportunities domain. Locate the “Product or Service Information” filters and select the arrow next to them to expand the NAICS code and PSC search boxes.
- You can search by a partial code or a full code. Select the field you are interested in to see a list of the first two characters of the code with a description. You can select a result, or you can enter the initial characters of the code to see available completions. Select your choice from the list.
- You can select more than one code. As you select your options, the search results will be updated.