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The GSA MAS Consolidation

3 min read

GSA is on track for New Solicitation Release

Available Offerings and Requirements – Page on GSA website that gives a preview of the changes coming with the new Solicitation that will be released on October 30, 2019.

FedScoop Article – GSA poised to complete schedule consolidation on deadline.

Federal Times Article – GSA sets a 30-day timer for award schedule merger.

GSA MAS Consolidation – Aug 2019 #

  • A rumor has surfaced that with the GSA Schedule Consolidation, SIN 132-9 (Purchase of Used or Refurbished Equipment) will be dropped. We will confirm as more news comes out.

GSA MAS Consolidation – Aug 2019 #

GSA MAS Consolidation – Aug 2019 #

  • Why Consolidate all schedules?
    • Consistency – Not enough uniformity across all GSA Schedules
    • Redundancy –
  • PHASE 1 –
    • GSA Downloaded all Terms & Conditions
      • Analyzed them all (duplicates, obsolete, not pertinent, etc.)
      • Work to refresh them
    • Map Special Item Numbers (SIN’s)
      • New numbering system, NAICS Codes
      • Only one size standard per SIN (because it is based on NAICS)
      • Mapping to Category Management structure
      • Will be >300 SINs in new Schedule
    • Important dates: New Solicitation will be released Oct 1.
      • After Oct 1st, eOffer will change
      • Everything will be deleted unless it is submitted before Sep. 30
      • After Oct. 1, you can apply but it will be under the new Schedule (No Freeze)
      • Modifications will not be effected by this project.
      • Jan 2020 – Mass Mod will go to all current GSA Contractors.
        • Clean Terms & Conditions
        • Contract Requirement to accept this Mass Mod
        • All old Mass Mods will be deleted.
        • Will map your old SINs to the new SIN Structure
        • Same Contract numbers will remain (because changing them would interfere with BPA’s)
        • All GSA negotiated factors will be unchanged
      • eLibrary will change – All SIN’s applicable will show.
      • Full Modification Process will be unchanged, and is still required to add, delete, price change, etc.
    • PHASE 2 –
      • If you only have one GSA Contract, nothing is needed.
      • If you have multiple GSA Contracts:
        • A team at GSA will be assembled to assist with this. All CO’s will be involved with planning the solution to consolidate your contracts to only one.
        • A primary contract will be selected
        • Modifications will be completed to move everything to the one GSA Contract.
        • This will take years to complete

GSA MAS Consolidation – July 2019 #

keep up to date on this major shift in how GSA Contracts are managed

This is the one-stop place to keep up to date on the GSA’s MAS Schedule consolidation taking place from 2019 to 2020.

Here are the major notes so far:

  • This will effect all 24 GSA Schedules
  • This will not effect the VA FSS Program
  • GSA will be accepting new offers throughout this process (no Freeze).
  • Sometime before or around the closed window in October, a new Solicitation will be released.
  • In January 2020, a Mass Mod will be released to bring all current GSA Contracts into the new consolidation.
  • The final stage of the MAS Consolidation will be to group or consolidate all contractors with multiple GSA Contracts.

We will build this list as more becomes known. Please bookmark this page and check back monthly. Thank you!

Important Links & Downloads #

Interact – GSA Social Network

Youtube of the GSA FAQ meeting held June 7, 2019

Mondaq Article

SmallGovCon Article


 Available Offerings Attachment (8/28/2019)

MAS Consolidation FAQ GSA MAS Consolidation FAQ

MAS Reform - One Pager GSA MAS Reform – One Pager

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