As opposed to getting a GSA order and then figuring out how to source it, the GSA wants proof that the relationship (and means to order) is already in place. The LOS is just to show the GSA that you have an established source of supply (ie. a business relationship established that allows you to process orders and therefore supply the products).
GSA Focus will email you a customized LOS document if necessary, along with the instructions to pass along to the Manufacturer/Supplier.
From GSA website (link):
- Letter of Supply (May 2021) – Template will be shared with your supplier, signed by your supplier, and submitted by you.
- If you offer commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products and your proposed products come from a manufacturer who provides supplier authorization data in the Verified Products Portal, then a Letter of Supply is not required. To determine if your products come from a manufacturer participating in the VPP, please visit the Verified Products Portal Participation Dashboard.
- For more information about the Verified Products Portal, see attached “MAS Contractor – VPP Implementation Q&A” [PDF – 123 KB]