“Our revenue grew $26.8M in 4 years on the GSA Schedule Program” – Ted M.

Utilizing the Federal GSA Process in Your Business during COVID-19

selling to the federal government

COVID-19 has impacted virtually everyone’s lives in one way or another. However, individuals are not the only ones who are feeling the effects of COVID-19; businesses are also trying to figure out how they can stay afloat during this crisis. Utilizing the Federal GSA process might be one way to keep your business running because of the extra profitability that comes along with entering a GSA contract. 

What is the Federal GSA Process?

The Federal GSA Process can be complicated at times due to the wide range of different regulations and standards that have been put in place. In order to compete for a GSA bid, you have to meet these two requirements at a minimum. For starters, you need to have a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number. This number is a nine-digit number that is unique to your business and helps in identifying your business. You also must register for the System for Award Management (SAM).

Small businesses are also able to take advantage of this system. The Federal Government has set a goal to have around 23% of the prime contracts go to small businesses. When it comes to acquiring a contract, there are several steps involved. It all starts with the initial agency, and if the bid is greater than $25,000, it will be posted on the Federal Business Opportunities website. The companies then bid on these contracts, and a winning company or company is awarded the contract.

Managing this changing Federal GSA Environment

COVID-19 is changing the landscape around GSA contracts and putting some businesses in some tight spots when it comes to their current contracts because no one knows what the world will look like when this is all done. For some businesses, they may be able to make changes to their proposals that are out there, but for some, they will not have the opportunity to change the proposal. There are several tips that any business should be looking into that could potentially help get through this crisis.

For starters, companies should go back and look at the analysis that led them to make the proposal. Times have changed, and looking at this analysis and making changes to it might help the companies get through this crisis. Companies should also look into any new obstacles that they have to face due to COVID-19 and how these obstacles could impact their ability to provide the clients with a good end product. If you already submitted a proposal and choose not to revise it now, you could potentially start working on ways to make modifications to the contract after it has been awarded. These are just a couple of ways that your company could start managing the crisis to help stay with the changing Federal GSA environment.

Learn what Federal GSA Buyers are purchasing

The COVID-19 crises could have changed what Federal GSA buyers are starting to purchase. The government might start shifting toward needing more sanitizers and other cleaning elements to help stop the spread. This could potentially help your business better your bidding process because you could try to specialize in your bids to make yourself more competitive. The Association of Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (APTAC) has a list of items that the GSA is interested in knowing how a contractor could provide a list of items. 

How is the GSA Handling the COVID-19 Crisis?

Like most things in the world, the GSA has been affected by the COVID-19 crisis. The GSA is taking different measures to help ensure that the safety and health of staff are kept a priority. Many areas of the GSA have been affected, and if you are looking for more specific answers to your questions, you are encouraged to contact them, or you can visit their website, and there is a list of frequently asked questions that might answer your questions.

Following the COVID-19 Response By the Agency

Each agency has been handling the COVID-19 crises differently. So, it is extremely important to keep up to date on each individual agency to ensure you’re looking at the most up to date and accurate information available. You can find this information at the following links:

Reaching out to Federal GSA Buyers direct

One way that your company can get a GSA bid is to reach out to the buyer. This unsolicited proposal can be a way to get you started in the government by providing them with an innovative solution that is exclusive to just them. However, if you do decide to go this route, there are some rules that in place to make sure this process is fair. For starters, your proposal must be innovative and unique and independently developed by your company. You also can not have any government supervision, direction, or direct involvement when you are preparing this proposal. Finally, you have adequate information so the government customer can determine if your proposal with benefit them. When it comes to COVID-19 the Department of Health and Human Services is going to be one of the agencies that will be awarding these types of contracts. They have similar rules to these contracts but also make sure that no prior commitments were received from this department personnel. 

The COVID-19 crisis is having a significant impact on people’s lives and on the economy. However, businesses are still able to bid for GSA contracts, and if you play your cards right, you do have the ability to turn this bad situation into a profitable one. There are several different ways that you can go about this, such as understanding what GSA buyers are looking for, how the GSA is handling the COVID-19 crisis, as well as other agencies. You could also bypass the process and send bids directly to some departments. 

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