“Our revenue grew $26.8M in 4 years on the GSA Schedule Program” – Ted M.


GSA Focus’ Welcome Package is sent out at the beginning of the process, ands is used to guide you through the beginning stage of the process. In this stage you (the customer) are tasked with gathering internal documents and completing GSA-specific tasks. GSA Focus handles everything we possibly can in the process to get your GSA Contract awarded, but we need these items to do what we do.

Download the Welcome Package


Note that the Welcome Package is proprietary to GSA Focus, and this is password protected. Email info@gsafocus.com if you need this email (it is sent out by email when the process is started).

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GSA Focus is the full-service GSA Contract solution for small businesses. Our comprehensive, full-service approach is paired with an affordable price to offer the very best option to get your GSA Schedule.

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