“Our revenue grew $26.8M in 4 years on the GSA Schedule Program” – Ted M.

What is the GSA? (Hint: it’s a Federal Agency)

What is the GSA? (Hint: it’s a Federal Agency)

The GSA (General Services Administration) is a federal agency responsible for managing government procurement, real estate, travel policies, and sustainable practices. It was established in 1949 by President Harry S. Truman to streamline acquisition processes for the federal government and ensure consistent access to cost-effective and high-quality products and services. Today, the GSA is the single largest source of procurement for goods and services by the federal government. In addition to procurement, the GSA supports the core functions of the federal government by providing services such as finding and building office spaces, property management, disaster relief supplies, and non-tactical transportation for the U.S. military.

Introduction to the GSA (General Services Administration)

The General Services Administration (GSA) is a federal agency that plays a vital role in supporting the core functions of the United States government. Established in 1949 by President Harry S. Truman, the GSA’s primary mission is to streamline acquisition processes and ensure consistent access to cost-effective, high-quality products and services for the benefit of the American public.

Overview of the GSA’s Role and Mission

The GSA’s wide-ranging responsibilities include government procurement and contracting, real estate and property management, travel and transportation services, and more. By leveraging its expertise and centralized platforms, the agency helps federal agencies efficiently access the resources they need to carry out their missions effectively. The GSA’s efforts contribute to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the federal government, ultimately serving the best interests of the American people.

History and Establishment of the GSA

Established in 1949, the General Services Administration was created to consolidate and centralize various government procurement and property management functions. Prior to the GSA’s establishment, these responsibilities were dispersed across multiple federal agencies, leading to inefficiencies and inconsistencies. President Truman’s executive order establishing the GSA aimed to streamline these processes and ensure the federal government could better serve the public through cost-effective and high-quality services.

Key Functions and Responsibilities of the GSA

The GSA’s key functions and responsibilities span across critical areas that support the efficient and effective operations of the federal government. These include government procurement and contracting, real estate and property management, as well as travel and transportation services.

Government Procurement and Contracting

In the realm of government procurement and contracting, the GSA plays a vital role in helping federal agencies acquire the necessary products and services to carry out their missions. The agency leverages its expertise and centralized platforms to streamline the acquisition process, ensuring agencies have access to cost-effective and high-quality solutions. This includes managing the Alliant 2 Governmentwide Acquisition Contract (GWAC), one of the most successful IT Services GWACs in federal government history.

Real Estate and Property Management

The GSA is responsible for managing the federal government’s real estate portfolio, which includes the construction, leasing, and maintenance of public buildings. The agency has demonstrated its commitment to efficiency by improving the on-time activation of occupancy agreements, with owned space reaching 98% and leased space reaching 90% from previous rates of 86% and 75% respectively. Additionally, the GSA has exceeded cycle time goals for real property disposal services, awarding public sales properties within 135 days and non-competitive sales and donations within 220 days.

Travel and Transportation Services

Providing travel and transportation services is another key function of the GSA. This includes the acquisition and management of government vehicles, as well as the oversight of telecommunications infrastructure. The agency aims to increase resource efficiency in this area, such as reducing the inventory of printers to operate with 25 employees per printer. These efforts contribute to the overall cost-effectiveness and sustainability of government operations.

Metric Performance
Indirect Cost Savings $190 million, surpassing the $155 million goal
Operating Cost Reduction 9.4% of revenue, target not met due to lower revenue
Data Center Consolidation Savings $24 million net five-year savings by the end of FY2015
Printer-to-Employee Ratio Reduced to 25 employees per printer
On-time Occupancy Agreement Activation 98% in owned space, 90% in leased space
Real Property Disposal Cycle Time 135 days for public sales, 220 days for non-competitive sales and donations
Federal Acquisition Institute Training Attendance Consistently exceeding 80%

GSA Advantage! – The Federal E-Commerce Platform

GSA Advantage! is the GSA’s e-commerce platform that allows federal agencies, state and local governments, and other authorized buyers to purchase products and services from GSA-registered contractors. The online marketplace offers access to millions of products and services across 12 diverse categories, including building and industrial supplies, electronics and technology, office equipment, and more. GSA Advantage! streamlines the buying and selling process for both government buyers and contractors, providing a centralized platform for efficient procurement.

Approximately 12,000 contractors are currently selling through GSA Advantage!, responsible for generating approximately $35 million in sales. The platform connects government agencies with a vast network of pre-approved vendors, enabling them to find specialized suppliers for a wide range of products and services, including office supplies, IT equipment, furniture, and professional services.

GSA Advantage! offers negotiated pricing and discounts through strategic partnerships with vendors, resulting in substantial savings for government agencies. The platform simplifies the procurement process, saving time and reducing administrative burdens, while also providing trackable order history to ensure accountability in the process. State and local governments, as well as tribal entities, can access GSA Advantage! to take advantage of these benefits.

GSA Advantage! contributes to the government’s sustainability goals by working with small businesses, minority-owned enterprises, and environmentally responsible companies. The platform’s diverse categories and streamlined processes make it a valuable resource for federal, state, and local government procurement needs.

Benefits of Contracting with the GSA

Contracting with the GSA offers several advantages for businesses, including access to the expansive federal marketplace, a streamlined selling process, and the potential for long-term contracts and lucrative business opportunities. The GSA Advantage! platform provides contractors with access to a vast customer base comprising federal agencies, state and local governments, and other authorized buyers, opening the door to a wealth of federal market opportunities.

Access to the Federal Marketplace

The GSA Advantage! platform grants businesses direct access to the federal marketplace, allowing them to showcase their products and services to a diverse range of government buyers. This exposure can lead to increased visibility, brand recognition, and increased sales opportunities for contractors, helping them capitalize on the vast purchasing power of the federal government.

Streamlined Selling Process

The GSA’s contracting process streamlines the selling experience for businesses, enabling them to easily post their offerings on the GSA Advantage! platform. This centralized marketplace simplifies the discovery and procurement process for government buyers, who can quickly and efficiently find the goods and services they need from pre-vetted GSA contractors.

Long-term Contracts and Opportunities

GSA Schedule Contracts can last up to 20 years, providing contractors with long-term stability and the potential for sustained growth. This extended contract period offers businesses the opportunity to build lasting relationships with government clients, secure recurring revenue streams, and invest in the development of their products and services to better serve the federal marketplace.

Key Benefit Description
Access to the Federal Marketplace Gain direct access to a vast customer base of federal agencies, state and local governments, and other authorized buyers through the GSA Advantage! platform.
Streamlined Selling Process Easily list products and services on the centralized GSA Advantage! marketplace, simplifying the discovery and procurement process for government buyers.
Long-term Contracts and Opportunities Secure GSA Schedule Contracts that can last up to 20 years, providing businesses with long-term stability and the potential for sustained growth in the federal marketplace.

Becoming a GSA Schedule Contractor

To become a GSA Schedule Contractor, businesses must navigate a thorough eligibility review and application process. Maintaining compliance with strict requirements is essential for securing a GSA Schedule Contract and accessing the expansive federal marketplace.

Eligibility Requirements

Prospective GSA Schedule Contractors must demonstrate financial stability, commercial sales practices, and adherence to regulations such as the Trade Agreements Act (TAA). Key eligibility criteria include:

  • Minimum of 2 years in business with profit and loss statements, and balance sheets to prove financial viability.
  • 100% compliance with the two-year minimum business operation requirement, or meeting the Springboard Program criteria for IT companies.
  • Proof of commercial sales practices and fair, reasonable pricing for products and services.
  • Verification of 100% TAA compliance for all items offered on the GSA Schedule.

Application and Approval Process

The GSA Schedule application process can take 6-12 months, during which the GSA thoroughly reviews the applicant’s finances, eligibility, and proposed offerings. This rigorous review ensures that only qualified businesses become GSA Schedule Contractors.

If approved, the business is awarded a GSA Schedule Contract, granting them access to the GSA Advantage! platform to market and sell their products and services to a vast customer base of federal agencies, state and local governments, and other authorized buyers.

Statistic Value
GSA MAS Contracts Awarded to Small Businesses 80%
GSA Schedule Contracts in FY11 Over 19,000
Percentage of GSA Schedule Contracts Winning Government Business Approximately 40%
Percentage of GSA Schedule Contracts Winning 80% of Business Approximately 5%
Annual Economic Impact of GSA Schedule Contract Program More than $40 billion
Median Time to First Award for a GSA Schedule 8-9 months

Role of the GSA in Federal Sustainability Initiatives

The General Services Administration (GSA) plays a pivotal role in supporting federal sustainability initiatives. As the manager of the federal government’s real estate portfolio and procurement processes, the GSA is responsible for ensuring that government operations and purchases align with strict environmental and energy-efficient standards. This commitment encompasses implementing sustainable building practices, promoting the acquisition of energy-efficient and environmentally-preferable products, and leveraging the GSA’s substantial purchasing power to drive the adoption of sustainable technologies and practices across the federal government.

The GSA’s sustainability initiatives are instrumental in helping the federal government reduce its environmental impact and meet its ambitious climate and sustainability goals. Through its various programs and regulations, the GSA is leading the charge in greening government procurement and operations, positioning the federal government as a role model for sustainable practices.

By prioritizing GSA sustainability initiatives, the federal government is making significant strides in areas such as [GSA sustainability initiatives], [federal sustainability], and [green procurement]. This comprehensive approach not only benefits the environment but also supports the broader goal of creating a more efficient, effective, and eco-friendly government that serves the American people.

Technology Transformation Services (TTS) and Digital Transformation

The GSA’s Technology Transformation Services (TTS) division plays a crucial role in advancing the federal government’s digital transformation agenda. Empowered by the Federal Citizen Services Fund (FCSF), the TTS is responsible for designing and delivering a modern, user-centric digital government for the American people.

Public-Facing Digital Services

The TTS provides a range of public-facing digital services that enhance access and engagement with the federal government. These include platforms like USAGov and Vote.gov, which offer citizens convenient access to government information and resources. By leveraging technology transformation services, the TTS helps to improve the overall customer experience and strengthen public trust in government.

Agency-Facing Programs and Solutions

In addition to its public-facing initiatives, the TTS also offers agency-facing programs and solutions to help federal agencies enhance their digital capabilities and operations. These efforts support the goals outlined in the President’s Management Agenda and Executive Order 14058, which focus on transforming federal customer experience and service delivery. Through its agency-facing initiatives, the TTS empowers federal agencies to adopt modern applications, personnel, and software solutions that drive efficiency, productivity, and the adoption of digital services.

Metric Value
Size of Technology Transformation Services (TTS) 300 employees
Responsible for USAJobs portal Over 500 offices/agencies and 320k job postings
USAJobs applicant accounts More than 10M
Focus of TTS Digital transformation in the federal government
Typical TTS job descriptions 8-10 bullet points of responsibilities and accomplishments
TTS application evaluation Reviewed by people with varying expertise, not automated tools
Performance.gov relaunch February 12, after embracing IT modernization efforts
Cost savings from TTS technology stack More than half of the costs that would have been spent on procurement, discovery, and research
Performance.gov traffic increase Significant increase in meaningful visits, showing an upward trend from the previous legacy site

Federal Citizen Services Fund (FCSF)

The Federal Citizen Services Fund (FCSF) is a key funding source for the GSA’s technology and digital transformation initiatives. The FCSF supports public-facing services and agency-facing programs that aim to make government services more accessible, efficient, and effective for the American people.

Purpose and Objectives

The purpose and objectives of the FCSF are to enable federal agencies to enhance their ability to conduct activities electronically, improve public trust in the government, and drive government-wide transformation through shared services, platforms, and solutions. The FCSF funds a range of programs and services that support these goals.

Funded Programs and Services

The programs and services funded by the FCSF include USAGov, Vote.gov, the Federal Audit Clearinghouse, Section 508 compliance, and various communities of practice and digital service delivery initiatives. These efforts help to modernize and improve the delivery of government services to the public.

Metric FY 2021 FY 2023 Request
Total Amount Available for Obligation $205,000 $115,784
Unobligated Balance at Start of Fiscal Year $158,649 $68,724
Reimbursable Services from Federal Agencies $2,111 $41,972
Recovery of Prior-Year Obligations $3,121 N/A
Total Obligations $71,968 $202,756

Supporting the President’s Management Agenda

The GSA’s initiatives and programs, particularly those funded by the Federal Citizen Services Fund, directly support the priorities outlined in the president’s management agenda. By investing in shared services, digital transformation, and customer experience improvements, the GSA is helping to deliver excellent, equitable, and secure federal services that rebuild trust in government. The GSA’s efforts to strengthen the federal workforce, enhance IT and cybersecurity capabilities, and improve data management and data science further align with the goals of the president’s management agenda.

GSA’s Contribution to Efficient and Effective Government Operations

The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) plays a crucial role in supporting efficient and effective government operations. Through its procurement, real estate, travel, and technology transformation services, the GSA helps federal agencies access the resources and tools they need to carry out their missions effectively. By leveraging the GSA’s centralized platforms and expertise, government agencies can streamline their operations, reduce costs, and improve service delivery to the public.

The GSA’s sustainability initiatives and support for the President’s Management Agenda also contribute to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the federal government. By promoting sustainable practices, energy-efficient technologies, and customer-centric service delivery, the GSA is helping to drive efficient government operations that better serve the American people.

Fiscal Year Appropriated Amount Unobligated Balance Total Obligations Total Collections from Reimbursable Services
FY 2021 $115,784,000 $20,385,000 $71,968,000 $2,111,000
FY 2022 Annualized C.R. $115,784,000 $158,649,000 $152,279,000 $7,353,000
FY 2023 Request $115,784,000 $68,724,000 $202,756,000 $41,972,000

The GSA’s contribution to efficient and effective government operations is further demonstrated by its initiatives to support the President’s Management Agenda, which aims to deliver excellent, equitable, and secure federal services that rebuild trust in government. By investing in shared services, digital transformation, and customer experience improvements, the GSA is helping to enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the federal government.

Future Directions and Priorities for the GSA

As the federal government continues to evolve, the GSA is committed to adapting and aligning its priorities to best serve the changing needs of government agencies and the American people. Key areas of focus for the GSA’s future direction include further enhancing digital services and customer experience, strengthening federal data management and data science capabilities, and continuing to support the priorities outlined in the President’s Management Agenda.

The GSA will also explore new ways to leverage emerging technologies and innovative approaches to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of government operations. By staying agile and responsive to the evolving needs of its stakeholders, the GSA aims to maintain its role as a critical enabler of effective and efficient government for years to come.

Ensuring that the GSA’s future directions and priorities align with the changing landscape of federal government operations is crucial. The agency’s focus on enhancing digital services, improving data management, and supporting the President’s Management Agenda will be instrumental in driving continuous improvements and delivering value to government agencies and the public they serve.

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