“Our revenue grew $26.8M in 4 years on the GSA Schedule Program” – Ted M.

The GSA is Still Going Green


 In 2011, the GSA eliminated most green-labels, the 12 remaining include Energy-Star (Products) and Bio-Preferred (Chemicals). GSA is conscientiously researching the best Eco-labeling options for specific product offerings. These green certifications will be applied to specific SIN’s, and the GSA will likely make them mandatory in the future (like 302 49)

Agencies are starting to be mandated to buy green products, so in the future the more green products we can get on schedule the better. 9 out of the 26 GSA Schedules currently have green offerings of some sort.

GSA Advantage now has a section of the website that helps buyers search specifically for “green” products. This can be accessed through the “Environmental Program” link on the GSA Advantage homepage.

There are higher-level analyses being done to figure out which items the government buys that have the most impact on the environment.

GSA Links:

Go Green. At GSA, we offer products and services that support your Green efforts and help our nation build a clean energy future and protect the environment. learn more »

GSA Environmental Policy. GSA is committed to provide world class products and services that minimizes harm to the environment, safety, and health. GSA is living up to this commitment, not only in regards to the products and services we provide customers, but also in the way we conduct internal operations. view GSA Environmental Policy »

GSA’s Environmental Services. Reduce your agency’s environmental footprint and meet agency goals through the services available on Schedule 899. learn more »

GSA’s Environmental Products. Smarter Solutions for a Better Environment. GSA offers a variety of environmentally friendly products and services to assist in your environmental procurement responsibilities. learn more about GSA solutions »

Environmental Symbols. What do the environmental symbols on GSA Advantage mean? view the Symbol definitions »

Recycling & Property Disposal. GSA helps federal agencies protect the environment through programs such as waste collection, recycling, and energy-saving property disposal practices.  learn more »

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