“GSA Focus added us $26.8M in revenue over 4 years” – Ted M., Cask

GSA Focus accelerates your access to a GSA Schedule 5x faster, with only 4 hours of your time in most cases. Our clients average +$927,000 to their bottom line.


550+ GSA Contract awards 👉 $500M+ in Total Federal Sales

"Without GSA Focus, we couldn't have navigated the complex process to secure GSA Contract Awards for several of our clients".
John Wayne II
"Completely understands GSA. Provides easy-to-use portal and tools."
Carolyn Kinsell
Solers RG
"Guided us through every step in getting contracts completed. Highly responsive and recommend GSA Focus."
Raja Srinivasan
"Delivered as advertised and went above and beyond. Couldn't have received our GSA contract without them."
Berj Garibekian
TransPacific Technologies
"Smart, trustworthy, and creative. Provides long-lasting solutions."
Miranda Moncur
"MacGyver Solutions is one of GSA Focus' success stories - having them do the heavy lifting on the initial contract was a huge help."
Mike Jackson
Founder, MacGyver Solutions, Inc