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What is a GSA Contract?

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Under the GSA Schedules Program, GSA establishes long-term government-wide contracts to acquire products and services directly from pre-qualified Contractors. This means that a GSA Contract has no guaranteed sales associated with it, just an established advantage in the federal market.

All Federal Agencies use the GSA to purchase products and services. Although the military has other contracting mechanisms, the GSA is among the most used and is growing rapidly in popularity.

Read Full Article: What is a GSA Contract?

Why Get a GSA Contract?

There are many competitive advantages to be gained by having a GSA Contract.

  1. Your Company will be more appealing to Federal Buyers, because their is less work on their part, and lower liability, to source to you.
  2. Your pricing will be pre-negotiated and justified, so buyers can skip this stage in placing an order.
  3. Your Company will be listed in GSA Advantage and E-Library, where many buyers go to search out Contractors to request bids from and place product orders.

Read Full Article: Why Get a GSA Contract?

GSA Contract Management

You have worked very hard to get a GSA Contract, and after your GSA award, you should celebrate. But not too much, because you still have much work to do, In many ways, GSA Contract award is just the beginning. GSA Contract management can be intimidating, but the learning starts here.

Major GSA Compliance Topics – The Solicitation document for your GSA Schedule was likely between 500-800 pages. You are bound to the terms and conditions within this giant document, so I suggest you know

Read Full Article: GSA Contract Management

The GSA Contract Renewal Process

Every five years, it is time for a GSA Contract Renewal. It is important to know that you are given the option to renew or extend your contract by the GSA, but it will not be automatically done. If you are not familiar with the renewal process or simply want to make certain you understand it correctly, the following information is for you. It details what you, as a contractor, can expect during this process.


Read Full Article: The GSA Contract Renewal Process

Important Links:

GSA Homepage – The General Services Administration is responsible for a large percentage of US Government spending. There are a variety of Schedules for a GSA Contract, and information on GSA schedules can be found on this site.

GSA Advantage – After your company acquires a GSA Contract, your products will be listed on GSA Advantage for the government to place orders.

GSA E-buy – After your company acquires a GSA Contract, you will gain access to Ebuy, a place where potential government contracts are first posted.

GSA E-Library – GSA offers a wide range of acquisition services and solutions utilizing a variety of tools, contract vehicles, and services to meet the customer’s specific needs including Multiple Award Schedules, Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts, Technology Contracts, and Assisted Acquisition Services.

GSA Reverse Auctions – An imitative by the GSA starting in 2013, where a purchase requirement (usually for commodities or simple services), is posted, and Contractors can bid the price down until the auction ends.

USA Spending – Have you ever wanted to find more information on government spending? This website keeps an account of how much is spent in a variety of categories.

GSA Wikipedia – For information and a historical account of the General Services Administration.

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About GSA Focus

We FOCUS on GSA Contract Services! This allows us to offer the best services at an affordable price. We make the GSA Schedule process easy for you!

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If you qualify for a GSA Contract, or you have some questions, schedule a call to speak to a GSA expert to discuss the next steps.


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