“Our revenue grew $26.8M in 4 years on the GSA Schedule Program” – Ted M.

How a $5000 “oops” order kickstarted my GSA journey


Josh here from GSAFocus.

Ever had one of those “just go for it” moments that led to something crazy?

20+ years ago, still under employment of my parents’ security system company, I was tasked with getting my parents their very first GSA Award.

(Which was a total pain in the you-know-what, by the way, so I suppose I ended up being the solution to my own problem by founding GSAFocus a couple years later…)

A few days after we got the award, something unexpected happened…

We got an order.

For batteries.

Specifically, for $5000 worth of batteries. To be shipped to…


(Turns out, that’s a country somewhere in Africa. None of us had ever heard of the place, and we had some good laughs about how to pronounce it haha.)

Here’s the kicker:

We were a SECURITY SYSTEM company.

What the heck were we doing selling batteries to Africa?!

Turns out, it was 100% legit – and that $5000 surprise was just the beginning.

Over the next few months, we landed several local security projects on the nearby military base.

But that random $5000 battery order always stuck with me.


Because it taught me a valuable lesson:

When you go after new opportunities, you never know what unintended windfalls might come your way.

Now, I’m not saying you’ll definitely get a random $5000 order if you get a GSA contract

…but I AM saying that our GSAFocus customers average $927,000 in GSA sales each year.

That’s a whole lot of potential “surprise” orders, don’t you think?

When you’re ready to go after your own GSA windfall, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Book a FREE, no-commitment Discovery Call
  2. Get an assessment of what a GSA Contract can do for YOUR business – again, for free…
  3. …And finally, once you feel ready, take the first step towards potentially winning almost $1 million in Government Contracts.

BOOK NOW >> https://bit.ly/GetGSA


GSAFocus has helped over 600 businesses like yours go from “no contract” to an average of $927,000 added to their business’s bottom-line…

…we’ve done it with a 98% Satisfaction & Success rate…

…we speed up the process by four to six times (400-600%)…

…and we offer a refund guarantee if we can’t get you your contract – meaning there’s literally NO risk in trying us out…

…and, on average, our clients make their investment in a GSA contract back 87x! (5200%)

So, what do you say?

Ready to “just go for it”?

You might make money the way you expect… or in ways you never saw coming.

Either way, isn’t it worth a shot?


Your fellow patriot,

Josh Ladick

President/Founder, GSA Focus, Inc.

**P.S.** Still on the fence? Remember, our calls are 100% free and no-obligation. If we’re not a fit, I’ll still point you in the right direction. You’ve literally got nothing to lose… and potentially $927,000 (or more!) to gain. Book that call now!

Are you disappointed with your Federal Sales?

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GSA Focus is the full-service GSA Contract solution for small businesses. Our comprehensive, full-service approach is paired with an affordable price to offer the very best option to get your GSA Schedule.

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